50+ Best Foods To Increase The Breast Milk

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. It provides essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a baby’s growth and development. For breastfeeding mothers, ensuring an adequate supply of breast milk can be difficult at times. Fortunately, there are certain foods that may help to increase the production of breast milk. This article will explore some of the best foods to boost lactation in nursing mothers and discuss their benefits for both mother and baby.

Drink Plenty Of Water And Fluids

Drinking plenty of water and fluids is an essential part of increasing breast milk production. Research has shown that dehydration can cause a decrease in the amount of available milk for breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, it is important for nursing mothers to stay hydrated throughout the day and drink at least eight glasses of water or other healthy beverages per day. Additionally, research suggests that drinking more than this amount may even have positive effects on the quantity and quality of expressed breastmilk.

Fluids are not limited to just plain water; many nutritious liquids such as herbal tea, freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, bone broth, green smoothies and coconut water are beneficial for breastfeeding moms. These drinks are especially helpful because they provide additional vitamins and minerals which promote overall health as well as help with lactation. Furthermore, staying away from caffeinated beverages like coffee or soda should be avoided during periods when you need to increase your breast milk supply since caffeine has been found to reduce milk production by up to 50%.

It is also recommended that pregnant women start preparing their bodies before delivery by developing healthy habits around drinking fluids so they will already be accustomed come time for nursing newborns. Doing so will ensure proper hydration levels needed for efficient milk production post-partum. By following these recommendations regarding fluid intake, nursing mothers can successfully boost their milk supply for the betterment of both themselves and their babies’ health.

Dairy Products For Increasing Milk Supply

The consumption of dairy products is an effective way to increase breast milk production. Dairy products such as full-fat yogurt, cheese and butter contain high levels of calcium which are beneficial in increasing the amount of prolactin hormones produced by the body. This hormone stimulates lactation and increases the quantity of breast milk that can be produced. Additionally, many dairy products also provide a good source of protein, B vitamins and other essential nutrients which help with the overall health and well being of the mother while nursing her baby.

It should be noted however, that although consuming dairy products may boost one’s milk supply it is not recommended for mothers who suffer from allergies or food sensitivities. In such cases, alternative sources of calcium rich foods include green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, canned salmon with bones, almonds and tofu. These options are better suited for those avoiding dairy in their diet yet still looking to benefit from increased milk production.

Mothers wishing to further increase their production will find that drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day helps keep them hydrated and assists in producing more breastmilk. A combination of healthy eating habits along with adequate fluid intake should ensure sufficient amounts of nourishment for both momma and baby during breastfeeding sessions.

High Protein Foods For Increasing Milk Supply

Nursing mothers must pay attention to their diet in order to ensure that they are providing the optimal nutrition for babies. Consuming high-protein foods can help increase breast milk production and provide additional energy, allowing mothers to better handle the demands of early motherhood.

A variety of proteins may be included into a nursing mother’s diet, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and nuts. Lean cuts of beef like sirloin or top round offer iron which is necessary for healthy red blood cell formation. Fish contains both omega 3 fatty acids and essential vitamins necessary for proper development. Eggs contain choline which helps with brain functioning while dairy products are rich in calcium vital for bone growth. Legumes have folate which promotes neurodevelopment while nuts offer vitamin E important for overall health.

For nursing mothers who do not consume animal based protein sources, plant-based proteins such as quinoa, tofu or tempeh are excellent alternatives that still provide adequate amounts of amino acids needed by infants during this critical stage in life. Adding these foods to one’s daily routine will not only promote good health but also aid in increasing the amount of breastmilk produced by new moms.

Super Foods To Increase Breast Milk:

It is important to include healthy foods while breastfeeding so that your baby gets enough energy and nutrients. Include these superfoods to increase breast milk quickly.

    1. Oatmeal: Oats contain beta-glucan, which has been found in studies to promote prolactin levels, an important hormone involved in milk production. Additionally, oatmeal is rich in iron and fiber – two essential nutrients for adequate lactation.
    2. Flax Seeds: These tiny seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, both of which aid in increasing milk supply due to their role in promoting more efficient digestion and absorption of other vital nutrients needed by the mother’s body for proper lactation performance.
    3. Unripe Papaya: Green papaya is one of the healthiest fruits to have while breastfeeding boosting milk production. You can have it as a salad or try papaya soup. It has so many nutritional values, which boosts the digestive system.
    4. Milk: Milk, especially cow’s milk is naturally filled with folic acid, calcium, and healthy fats. It ensures balanced nutrition for your baby. Make sure to drink milk twice a day to guarantee an increase in breast milk production.
    5. Almonds: This superfood is rich in omega 3 and vitamin E. Good source of nutritional values. Add it to your diet to increase the milk supply. Healthy food for nursing mothers.
    6. Carrots: Carrots provide a great boost to lactation and are rich in vitamin A.

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Herbs And Seeds To Increase Breast Milk:

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to increase milk supply in lactating mothers. Herbs such as fenugreek, blessed thistle, and shatavari are some of the most popular herbs known to stimulate lactation. Fenugreek is one of the oldest recorded herbs used to promote breastmilk production and has been proven effective in several studies. It contains diosgenin which has a hormone-like effect on the body’s hormones that regulate milk supply. Here are some seeds and spices that are not only helping with lactation but also have other benefits for your baby.

    1. Fenugreek Seeds (Methi): This herb contains diosgenin, which stimulates the production of breastmilk naturally without any adverse effects on either the mother or her child. It is also known to fight inflammation caused by stress hormones that can interfere with normal lactation functions if left unchecked.
      • Rich in omega-3 fats, which is important for a baby’s brain development.
      • Also, Rich in vitamin B and vitamin C.
      • Good source of protein, calcium, and iron.

How To Take:

      • Soak the seeds in a glass of water for 7-8 hrs and drink it empty stomach in the morning.
      • Try fenugreek Tea, boil 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water, strain it and drink it warm.
      • Can use fenugreek seeds along with vegetables.
      • You can add it to roti and puri.
      • It also pairs well with refreshing grapefruit, orange, and mint.

Note: Use fenugreek with caution, If you are prone to asthma or allergies.

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    1. Fennel Seeds(Saunf): Studies have shown consuming fennel seeds helps boost production of prolactin as well as provide relief from any digestive issues or colic symptoms your baby may experience while breastfeeding. They also act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, making them ideal for nursing mothers.

How To Take:

      • Soak 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds in a glass of water for one night and drink it in the morning or
      • Brew the seeds in your tea.
      • Eat 1 tsp of fennel seeds after a meal as the mouth freshener.
      • Can be added these seeds to snacks, curries or desserts.
      • Fennel is tasty raw, tossed simply with good olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
    1. Cumin Seeds(Jeera): One of the best sources for increasing lactation. These are known to help with digestion, relieve constipation, acidity and bloating.
    2. Sesame Seeds(Til): These seeds are a great non-dairy source of calcium, which helps increase breast milk supply.
    3. Carom Seeds(Ajwain): another best food to increase milk production. Use carom seeds in chapati, vegetables, and curries as seasoning or garnishing.
    4. Poppy Seeds(Khas-Khas): are a great one to have increased breast milk.
    5. Garlic(Lehsun): Garlic has been used for generations to stimulate breast milk.

Well known for boosting the immune system, preventing heart disease, and having curative properties.

How To Take:

      • You can use garlic in chutneys and curries to enhance the taste.
      • Can prepare garlic rice.

Note: Garlic will affect the taste and smell of the breast milk. So, it must be consumed in moderation.

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Green Vegetables To Produce Breast Milk:

Worried about what to eat to increase breast milk? A lot of people advise you the consumption of green leafy vegetables. Here are some such foods to increase lactation in nursing moms.

    1. Leafy Vegetables: Vegetables like spinach, fenugreek leaves, and mustard greens are considered to enhance the production of breast milk quickly. These are a great source of minerals such as iron, calcium, and folic acid. You can have these vegetables on a daily basis.
    2. Drumsticks: A healthy vegetable, which is high in calcium and iron, are known to aid in increasing milk production during pregnancy.
    3. Capsicum: It is a good source of vitamin C. While breastfeeding you will have an increased need for it.
    4. Bitter Gourd
    5. Bottle Gourd

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Non Vegetarian Foods For Lactation:

Nursing frequently while breastfeeding is important for your baby. Below are some non-veg foods to include in your diet.

    1. Eggs: Eggs improve breastmilk quantity as well as quality. These are good sources of proteins, vitamin A, B2, B12, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, phosphorus, and calcium. Try to use DHA-fortified eggs which are helpful for brain development and maintenance. if your baby is allergic to eggs and you notice any kind of symptoms (like nausea, rashes, colic, discomfort, breathing problems, vomiting, swelling) then you should avoid eggs in your diet.
    2. Beef: Breastfeeding mothers have an increased need for the mineral zinc. Beef is a great way to get it.
    3. Salmon And Tuna: Salmon and tuna are great sources of essential fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. These acids improve the nursing mother’s nutrition status so that she can produce the hormones necessary for milk production.
    4. Brewer’s Yeast: It has many nutritional values and it is made from a fungus. Its rich source of iron, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Brewer’s Yeast, a galactagogue used by breastfeeding moms to increase breast milk production.
    5. Sea Food: Eat a wide variety of seafood alternatives each day during breastfeeding.
    6. Meat: Meats while nursing is a healthy choice to have for breastfeeding moms.

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Other Healthy Foods To Increase Breast Milk:

Keeping your body hydrated and getting enough rest is also important for a nursing mother. Below are some other foods that are thought to significantly help increase lactation and also to keep the nursing mom healthy.

    1. Barley: Barley boosts lactation and keeps you hydrated.
    2. Holy Basil
    3. Asparagus
    4. Brown Rice
    5. Apricots
    6. Sweet Potato
    7. Dill Seeds
    8. Pumpkin Seeds
    9. Anise Seeds
    10. Caraway seeds
    11. Coriander seeds
    12. Chia Seeds
    13. Chickpea
    14. Lentils
    15. Beets

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  1. Tofu
  2.  Watermelon
  3. Green Tea
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Curry Leaves
  6. Chickpea
  7. Cheese
  8. Yogurt
  9. Legumes
  10. Ginger
  11. Spinach ( Palak )
  12. Turmeric (Haldi)
  13. Dates
  14. Red Beets
  15. Poultry
  16. Pasta
  17. Cereal

Foods That Contain Galactagogues

Galactagogues are substances that can help increase breast milk production. Certain foods contain galactagogues which may be beneficial for lactating mothers. Fenugreek is a popular galactagogue and is found in many cuisines around the world, such as Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean diets. It has been used to treat digestive issues or promote labor for centuries. Brewer’s yeast also contains galactagogues and is often added to cereals or smoothies due to its nutty flavor. Oats have long been known for their health benefits related to digestion and metabolism; however, oats are also an excellent source of galactagogues too. Nuts like almonds offer not only healthy fats but also plant-based protein and galactogagues. Lastly, dark leafy greens provide copious amounts of vitamins A, C, E and K while also containing phytoestrogens which are believed to support increased milk production.

In summary, there are numerous food sources rich in galactagogues that can aid women who want to increase their breast milk supply. While these foods alone do not guarantee improved lactation efficiency, they can certainly contribute positively towards it when included in a balanced diet along with adequate hydration throughout the day. Furthermore, some herbs like fennel, blessed thistle and red raspberry leaf might further enhance positive results when taken appropriately alongside other dietary changes beneficial for breastfeeding moms.

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Healthy Fats For Increasing Milk Supply

Healthy fats are an important part of a nursing mother’s diet. They provide energy for milk production, as well as essential fatty acids that can help to boost milk supply. Consider the following healthy fats when looking to increase your milk supply:
-Nuts and nut butter: Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts make a great snack or addition to any meal. Nut butters made from these nuts are also nutritious and have high levels of healthy fat content.
-Avocado: Avocados contain monounsaturated fats which can promote breastmilk synthesis. Additionally, avocados are packed with other nutrients such as vitamins B6 and C, magnesium, potassium, fiber and folate.
-Olive oil: Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats; it contains polyphenols which may be beneficial for lactation success due to their antioxidant properties. This makes olive oil a wonderful option for cooking or drizzling over salads.

Including more healthy fat sources into your diet has many advantages beyond increasing your milk supply—it can also improve overall health by providing necessary vitamins and minerals for breastfeeding mothers. Furthermore, eating meals containing healthy fats helps keep you satiated throughout the day so you’re not constantly hungry which in turn leads to improved mental wellbeing and less stress during this time period. Ultimately, adding healthy fat sources into your daily diet while breastfeeding can lead to numerous benefits!

Supplements To Consider For Boosting Milk Production

When it comes to increasing breast milk production, there are a number of supplements that can be considered. The following list outlines some of the most popular and effective:
* Fenugreek – This is an herb which has traditionally been used for centuries as a galactagogue (substance which increases lactation). It works by stimulating the mammary glands to produce more milk.
* Brewer’s Yeast – This is another ingredient often found in many breastfeeding supplement products. It contains B-vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which help support healthy milk production.
* Blessed Thistle – A traditional remedy that has been used since medieval times, blessed thistle helps promote healthy digestion, thereby encouraging better absorption of nutrients from food which improves overall health and promotes increased milk supply.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Supplements That I Should Avoid While Trying To Increase My Milk Supply?

When attempting to increase milk supply, many breastfeeding mothers are interested in dietary solutions. Supplements may be a consideration as part of an overall strategy for enhancing lactation; however, there is some evidence that certain products should be avoided. This article addresses the question of which supplements could have negative implications when trying to boost breast milk production.

Is It Safe To Consume Herbal Remedies To Increase My Milk Supply?

Herbal remedies are often used to address various health issues, including the promotion of lactation in breastfeeding women. However, it is important for mothers to understand the potential risks associated with using herbal supplements while trying to increase their milk supply.

Are There Any Foods I Should Avoid While Nursing?

When breastfeeding, it is important to be aware of what foods the mother may consume that could potentially affect her milk supply. Many mothers choose to try different diets or beverages in an attempt to increase their milk production; however, there are certain items that should be avoided while nursing.

It is generally recommended that mothers limit their intake of caffeine-containing products such as coffee and tea during nursing. Caffeine has been shown to pass through breastmilk and can cause restlessness in infants. Additionally, dairy products should also be monitored because they contain hormones which can sometimes interfere with lactation. Excessive consumption of spicy foods or garlic can also lead to an imbalance of hormones associated with breastfeeding. Furthermore, alcohol consumption should be limited due to its ability to decrease milk production and transfer into breastmilk.

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Increasing My Milk Supply?

It is important for new or expectant mothers to understand that any attempt at enhancing one’s milk production requires a strict diet that must be followed diligently in order to achieve desired results. While some foods may help boost milk production, others can have an opposite effect and actually reduce output. Thus, selecting which products are safe and beneficial is of paramount importance when attempting to increase breast milk supply naturally.

Are There Any Specific Times Of Day That Are Better For Nursing To Increase Milk Supply?

Research has suggested that the body produces hormones which stimulate lactation at different times throughout the day. These hormones typically peak around midnight and in the early morning hours, making these two times potentially ideal for nursing if a mother wishes to increase her milk production. Additionally, research suggests that night-time feedings are often more effective than daytime feedings when trying to boost milk supply because prolactin levels tend to be higher during sleep cycles.

The timing of feedings should also take into consideration how long it takes a baby to properly consume food from both breasts during each session; this is especially important if a mother finds herself waking up multiple times during the night due to frequent feedings. In order to maximize the effectiveness of these sessions, she may wish to nurse her baby on both sides for longer periods so that he or she can get an adequate amount of milk from each side. To ensure that nighttime nursing sessions do not disrupt regular sleeping patterns too much, it is wise for mothers to try to plan their feedings strategically by dedicating specific blocks of time specifically for feeding instead of allowing themselves to become overwhelmed with nonstop nursing all through the night.

By taking into account hormonal peaks, optimal feeding times and efficient nursing techniques while attempting to increase milk supply, mothers may find themselves achieving better results than they expected. Understanding when and how best to nurse will ultimately benefit both mom and baby in providing quality nutrition while promoting healthy bonding between them both.


It is important for nursing mothers to understand the potential effects of supplements and foods on their milk supply. While some herbal remedies may be beneficial, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any type of supplement or herb in order to ensure safety. Certain foods should also be avoided while nursing due to their potential effect on milk production. It is also essential to consider potential side effects when increasing milk supply through dietary alterations or supplementation.

Finally, understanding the most effective times of day to nurse can help maximize milk production. For instance, many experts suggest that nighttime feedings are often especially successful at stimulating an increase in milk supply. In addition, consistent breastfeeding throughout the day and night helps maintain a steady milk supply overall. By understanding both the risks and benefits associated with various methods of increasing breastmilk production, nursing mothers can make informed decisions about what works best for them and their infants.

While feeding, Increasing breast milk production[1] can be a tricky thing. Along with dietary changes, doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise to help boost the mother’s immunity and help the blood circulate better. Enjoy this bonding time with your little one!


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