9 Symptoms Of Baby Boy During Pregnancy

Do you wonder how to tell if you are conceived with a baby boy? Do you want to know what are the signs and symptoms of baby boy during pregnancy? It may be possible to know the gender of your baby around the 13th week through ultrasound and it is a 98.3% success rate in identifying the correct gender. Now let us look into the obvious symptoms of having a baby boy while you are pregnant.

9 Symptoms Of Having A Baby Boy:

Here are some of the signs of a baby boy during pregnancy.

1.Morning Sickness:

You might have heard that if a pregnant woman has severe morning sickness then it is likely a baby girl otherwise baby boy. Even studies reveal that women with female fetuses have higher levels of morning sickness but it does not mean if you do not have morning sickness it is going to be a baby boy. More research needs to be done on this.

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2. Glowing Skin:

If you are pregnant with a baby girl, you will get more acne whereas if you are pregnant with a baby boy, your face will be glowing. But there is no medical proof so far.

3. Salt Cravings:

If you have more cravings for salty foods, then it is going to be a baby boy. This is a popular old tale of wives’ for a long, but nothing is proved yet.

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4. Heart Beat:

One of the most known tales is that if the heart rate of the baby is low, then it is going to be a baby boy. But studies say that there is no meaningful difference between a boy’s heart rate and a girl’s heart rate.

5. Carrying Low:

Here is another universally known old-gender wives’ tale of baby boy pregnancy symptoms. If you are carrying low, then it is a symptom of having a baby boy. In fact, carrying low or high does not depend on a baby boy or baby girl.

6. Dull Yellow Urine:

Another popular at-home gender prediction test to know the gender of the baby. If your urine is light yellow, then it is going to be a baby boy. But as per the research, there is nothing to predict with the color of the urine.

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7. Feet Are Cold:

Do you always have your feet cold? Congratulations on having a baby boy. – It is another popular tale known by many. Your body temperature often changes due to hormonal changes. It is not a reliable determination of the baby’s gender.

8. Mood Swings:

If you are not experiencing the mood swings, there could be a baby boy. It is also a popularly known symptom of having a baby boy. But it is not true. It completely depends on hormonal changes but not based on the sex of the baby.

9. Breast Size:

It is a myth based on the breast size, determining the gender of the baby. But many would believe that if your right breast is bigger than the left breast, then it is a baby boy.

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Possible Ways To Predict The Gender Of The Baby boy:

There are few medical tests that can be done to determine the gender of the baby. Below are some of the test:

1. Ultrasound:

It is an imaging test, also known as a sonogram. This ultrasound test does not use any radiation. This test reveals the development, gender, and growth of the baby. It takes around 30 minutes to complete. This is done around the 20th week of the pregnancy.

2. Free Fetal DNA Test:

This is another noninvasive approach for early gender prediction using fetal DNA from maternal blood. This FF DNA test is done around the 12th week of the pregnancy.

You will be excited to know that if you are carrying a baby boy or baby girl during your pregnancy. But, the signs and symptoms or at-home things that you do to know the gender of the baby are not accurate. Getting the ultrasound scan at your 20th week can give you the right result to identify the gender of the baby.

3. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesi:

CVS is performed earlier in pregnancy. These are invasive prenatal diagnostic tests that carry a small risk of miscarriage but can definitively determine your baby’s sex along with checking for certain genetic conditions. These tests are typically only recommended for medical reasons.


Unfortunately, there are no scientifically proven ways to determine the sex of your baby solely based on symptoms experienced during pregnancy. Many old wives’ tales and anecdotal stories circulate about symptoms and cravings indicating a boy, but these lack scientific backing.

While the wait to discover your baby’s sex can be exciting, focus on enjoying your pregnancy and preparing for the arrival of your little one, regardless of gender.

Remember, a healthy pregnancy and a happy baby are the most important things!


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