Toddler Vomiting – Causes, Treatment, And Home Remedies

If your toddler is throwing up, it is a big concern as a parent. There could be so many reasons for toddler vomiting. Few reasons can be ignored, but for a few reasons, should consult a doctor immediately. Let us understand what causes vomiting in toddlers followed by treatment options.

Different Conditions For Toddler’s Vomiting:

Here are the different conditions that you can observe in your child.

Toddler Vomiting No Fever:

If your toddler is vomiting but has no fever, there could be so many reasons for this conditions. Know the cause of why your baby is throwing up at an early stage and get it treated. The reasons might be stomach flu, food allergies, food poisoning, intestinal obstruction, concussion etc.

Toddler Vomiting And Diarrhea:

If your child is throwing up with diarrhea, there are several reasons for that which includes viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning, bacterial infection, dehydration etc. 

Toddler Vomiting And Diarrhea No Fever:

The most common cause of both vomiting and diarrhea are viruses. Rotavirus is rarely associated with fever or cold symptoms.

Toddler Vomiting At Night:

If your child is waking up in the middle of the night and vomiting can make any parent anxious. Some reasons are undigested food, stomach pain, food poisoning, migraine headaches etc.

Also Read: Excessive Night Sweating In Toddlers

Causes Of Toddler Vomiting:

Below are some of the reasons why your child is throwing up. 

Stomach flu:

This is not influenza. People often call the illness as gastroenteritis. This is caused by a virus like a rotavirus or norovirus or from bacteria like E.coli or salmonella. Along with vomiting, your toddler might have diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps etc. If it continued for more than 24 hours, take your child to a doctor.

Food Allergy:

If your child has any food allergies, then throwing up is a symptom along with other symptoms like wheezing, breathing problems, cough etc.

Food Poisoning:

Food poisoning happens if your child eats unhygienic food. Then there are chances of throwing up.

Also Read: How To Get Rid Of Loss Of Appetite In Toddlers?

Motion Sickness:

When your child is moving, sometimes it makes him/her feel sick and vomit.

Digestive Issues:

If your child has any digestive problems, then it can cause chronic vomiting.

Intestinal Obstruction:

When forceful throwing up happens in toddlers, it might be a sign of a blockage in your child’s intestines. It also might be pyloric stenosis, which means your little one stomach is too narrow for food to pass through. For these two situations, you should go to a doctor immediately.


If your child body lost the required amount of fluids, it leads to vomiting.


If your child takes certain medicines on an empty stomach, it might lead to vomiting. It might be a sign that your child is taking too much of certain medications.


Migraine headaches start in toddlers as young as 18 months old. It is common to vomit if your child has a migraine.


Some toddlers throw up when they are stressed. It could be because of health issues or crying for a long time. 

Also Read: Bad Breath In Toddlers

Vomiting Scale In Children

Mild: 1 – 2 times in a day

Moderate: 3 – 7 times in a day

Severe: Vomits everything, 8 or more times in a day

When to see a doctor?

  • If your toddler just started throwing up and no fever, no diarrhea, and no dehydration, then there is no need to take him to hospital. 
  • When the toddler looks dehydrated, sick and high temperature, then consult a doctor immediately.
  • If your child vomiting repeatedly after the first 2 hours on fluids or vomiting occasionally for more than 24 hours.
  • Blood in vomit or stool.

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Home Remedies For Vomiting In Toddlers

Here are some tips to stop and prevent vomiting in toddlers.

  1. Begin with oral rehydration liquids. Give 1 tablespoon for every  5 – 10 minutes.
  2. As vomiting lessens, give your child larger amounts of ORS at longer intervals.
  3. Clear Liquids: Give clear liquids for every 15 minutes in small amounts. Avoid milk and dairy products. You can give clear liquids like ice chips or sips of water, flavored oral electrolyte solutions, fruit juices, gelatin desserts etc.
  4. After 2 hours if no vomiting, begin with small amounts of milk or formula and other fluids. Increase the amount as tolerated.
  5. Avoid giving your toddler solid food for the first 24 hours after the vomiting starts. 
  6. Diet: After 4 hours with no vomiting, restart solid foods (carrots, cereals, oatmeal, rice, bread, noodles, mashed potatoes, mashed bananas, dry toast, soups with rice and cooked vegetables). 
  7. Ginger Juice: Ginger works well to stop vomiting in toddlers. Squeeze the juice and mix it with honey. This also helps in the digestion process.
  8. Rice Starch or Rice Water: Rice water helps in curing vomiting that is caused due to gastritis. Prefer white rice than brown rice. 
  9. Cinnamon: Make tea with cinnamon tea powder. Strain it and add honey to it, make your child drink this tea to prevent vomiting.

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These are some easy and useful home remedies that help stop and preventing the vomiting in your toddler. Though mostly vomiting is cured at home, still it is suggested to consult a doctor for the treatment options to stop vomits.


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